Wooden fencing not only looks attractive, it is easy to construct. You need basic tools and materials and some simple carpentry knowledge to be able to build a decent wood fence. Although wood fences seem pretty simple it should be noted that it is important to use the correct wood for your fence. If wood is untreated or faulty your fence can start giving you problems very quickly. A well-designed fence that has been built with the correct type and quality of wood will last for a very long time. Check with your local supplier what options they have in treated wood that you can use for your project. There are a number of companies that offer supplies for wooden fencing in Ballito and Durban. The wood you use will also be dependent on the style of fence you have chosen to build, so it is important to seek professional advice.
Picket Fencing
Picket fences do not really offer much privacy or protection but they look really quaint. They are often used more for decorative purposes than for privacy or protection. They are essentially a short fence, constructed with pickets, evenly spaced apart and attached to a horizontal wood panel. You can also use shorter picket fencing to surround a vegetable or flower patch in the garden, it looks charming and acts as the perfect divisional tool. If you do not want to try doing it yourself their companies that construct wooden picket fences in Ballito and its surroundings.
Lattice fencing
Lattice fencing is constructed by crisscrossing thin wood panels in a lattice shape. It is ideal for screens and creeping gardens. These fences are quite cost-effective as less wood is used in construction. It is occasionally used for border fencing between properties but stronger posts and slats need to be used. This helps with sturdiness and stability as this type of fencing is the most delicate. Lattice fences look very attractive especially if flowers or plants have attached to them. There is not much privacy achieved with a lattice fence and it is more decorative than functional in this regard.
Concave Fencing
A concave fence is constructed by placing different size wood panels vertically directly next to each other to form a slight curve going downwards from one point to the next (forming a kind of bunting silhouette along the top of the fence). It is secured with panels placed horizontally across the fence.
Convex Fencing
A convex fence is essentially the same as a concave fence with the curve going upwards rather than downward. This fence also looks attractive and is quite sturdy.
Board on board Fencing
A board-on-board fence is the most sturdy border fence to use. It also provides the maximum amount of protection and privacy. This is because it is constructed by overlapping vertical wood panels or slats. It is constructed by leaving an even spacing on the front of the fence between panels and then placing an alternate panel at the back of the fence to cover up the spaces. This style of fencing is also known as Shadowbox fencing. This fence appears the same from the front and the back so it is ideal for dividing properties as it won’t offend anyone while maintaining complete privacy.
Latte fencing
This kind of fence is made with thin sapling wood that is treated and lends somewhat of a beach or tropical vibe to your garden. There are companies that offer Latte Fencing in Ballito.
Tips for building a fence
- Inform your neighbours of the project and give them a start and finish date. It may be hard to determine this but it helps them to have a general guideline. Consult with them about the type of fence and the way it will look on their side.
- It is important to mark out your fence before you start. Have your property surveyed so that you are installing on the right property line and always build on the inside of your property line. Again, you do not want any ill feelings. Plot your line as accurately as possible because this will also determine the end result of your fence. Use a level to ensure accuracy as well.
- Purchase a good hammer, string, a level and a circular saw.
- Purchase rust resistant nails, hinges and hardware that are galvanized or aluminium. Fence gates that are too heavy for the hinges they hang on will break off. Pressure treated wood is much heavier so you will need to take this into consideration when installing hinges. Posts and hinges hold the gate so they need to be strong enough to handle the weight in any weather condition.
- Set your posts as deep as possible for stability. The most important parts of a fence are the posts and section divisions. Ensure that posts are deep into the ground, for example a 12×12 treated post will be set into the ground about 4inches. It is always a good idea to get professional help for digging post holes and your trench because the stability of your fence depends on it. Always use a level and keep measuring to make sure everything is aligned correctly.
- Always check your posts to ensure correct alignment.
- If you have to install the fence on a slope or incline try and break up the incline into fairly even panels and step the fence to solve the problem. In these cases it is best to get some expert advice so that you can get a professional finish.
- It is important for you to ensure that the fence looks as attractive on your neighbour’s side as your own or you may end up with some ill-feelings.
- Make sure set your post sets the correct distance apart. Setting them to far apart will leave sections without proper support. This can leave your tent vulnerable to wind and storm damage. Generally, they need to be just under 8 feet apart.
- It is always better to use cement rather than just filling your trench with soil. There are cements available for fencing purposes that you throw into your trench and pour water over. However, it is better to pour ready mixed cement into it as this will result in a stronger foundation for the fence. Make sure your cement is dry before installing the rest of your fence.
- Expert tip: Ensure your gates are wide or you have a removable panel for anything you may need to move into your property that is too large for a regular gate.
- You will need to check what type of wood is best for each specific fence with your supplier. For example you need gum poles for a different type of fence and treated wood slats for a different type of fence. There are quite a few companies that have reasonable gum-pole prices in Ballito and reasonably treated pole prices in Ballito. You will easily find wooden fence panels, gum poles or wooden slats for sale for your project. Wooden fence panels in South Africa are quite reasonably priced as well.
Poles Galore is a producer of high quality forest fencing and timber products in Ballito and Pinetown. We have a fully stocked pole yard. Price lists are available from our friendly sales staff who are happy to give you expert advice on the correct materials for your DIY projects. We supply thatching laths, treated gum-poles, fencing panels, wooden slats and log rolls.
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